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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I receive a stipend while in a Pre-Apprenticeship Program?
    Yes, but that would be dependent upon the availablility of grants and amount of stipends remaining at the time of your acceptance into the program.
  • What other types of services can I receive in a Pre-Apprenticeship Program?
    GRACE's program includes academic courses, case management services, career training, evidence-based life skills training, including financial wellness, trade training including OSHA 10 Construction Certification and supportive and wrap around services. We also offer Post-Apprenticeship opportunities which include membership in our Alumni Association Program and assistance securing industry positions.
  • How old do I need to be to enter the Pre-Apprenticeship Program?
    18 or older. 17 years of age with parental consent.
  • Will GRACE offer any other types of Pre-Apprenticeship Programs in the future?
  • Do I need to enter a Pre-Apprenticeship Program in order to get into an Apprenticeship Program?
  • What types of Pre-Apprenticeship Programs does GRACE offer?
    GRACE offers Electrical and Telecommunications Technician Pre-Apprenticeship Programs to prepare trainees for a career in the electrical construction industry.
  • Is there any financial aid available?
    These fees are covered totally or in part by grants or scholarships when available.
  • What is the goal of a Pre-Apprenticeship Program?
    A Pre-Apprenticeship Program prepares you to meet all of the requirements of an Apprenticeship Program in a similar program format.
  • What are the costs?
    Costs are communicated by IEC personnel once accepted into the program. Currently, 100% of the employers that hired our trainees are covering 100% of the costs.
  • Are there any scholarships available?
  • Do I have to enter an Apprenticeship Program prior to starting my career?
    If the apprenticeship program starts later than your employment start date, you can start the program afterwards.
  • What is the length of the program?
    The IEC Chesapeake Electrical Apprenticeship Training Program is 4-years. The IEC Chesapeake Telecommunications Technicial Apprenticeship Training Program is 3-years. Courses are held twice per week.
  • What kinds of opportunities do Apprenticeship Programs provide?
    Apprenticeship Programs provide you with an opportunity to jumpstart your career. Once accepted into an Apprenticeship Program, you also have the opportunity to: Earn, in a full-time industry position with benefits during the day, and Learn, participating in a nationally recognized Apprenticeship Program during the evenings.
  • How do Pre-Apprenticeship Programs and Apprenticeship Programs work together?
    Apprenticeship Programs sponsor Pre-Apprenticeship Programs. This allows for the smooth transition of trainees served from Pre-Apprenticeship Programs into Apprenticeship Programs. It also facilitates trainee exposure to employers, so that they can jumpstart their careers at decent wages with benefits, mentored by industry subject matter experts. Currently, we have a 100% placement rate.
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