Workforce Development
We are a Maryland State WIOA Eligible Training Provider Offering Federal and State Recognized Pre-Apprenticeship Programs & National Recognized Industry Certifications
Stand for Youth™ offers pre-apprenticeship and nationally recognized certification programs with the assistance of the State Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation (DLLR) Apprenticeship and Training Program and nationally recognized certifying authorities. These programs are delivered via a trauma-informed integrated delivery service model that includes both supportive and wrap-around services.
Workforce Development Programs
Building & Construction
Trades OSHA 10
Construction Certification (No Expiration Date)
Culinary Arts Serv-Safe
Manager Certification (Expires 5 Years from Time of Receipt)
First Aid Certifications (Expires 2 Years From Time of Receipt)
Adult, Child, Infant CPR and AED Certification (Expires 2-Years from Time of Receipt
Gardening Program: University of Maryland, Master Garderners Program : Certificate of Completion in Gardening