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Student Bill of Rights

1)  Safety & Security: a safe and

     secure school, work, and

     recreation environment


 2) Access:  participation in pro-

     grams aligned with your

     education, career, and life goals.


3)  Creativity:  presented with

     opportunities to express yourself

     through art, dance, music, and

     the written word.


4)  Recreation:  pursue wholesome

     recreational activities that are of

     interest to you, such as baseball,

     basketball, physical training,

     soccer, swimming, tennis, etc.


5)  Dietary Needs:  have your dietary

     restrictions respected and healthy

     food choices aligned with your

     dietary requirements presented.


6)  Wellness: improve and maintain

     your emotional, physical and

     spritual health with the assistance

     of dieticians, nutritionists, per-

     sonal  trainers, counselors,

     mediators, and other profes-

     sionals participating in Founation



7)  Harassment:  not be bullied,

     disrespected, or harassed in any

     manner, by anyone at any time.


8)  Privacy and Confidentiality:  have

     all information pertaining to your

     participation in Stand for Youth™  

     programs safeguarded.


 9) Open Communication: Respectfully

      approach any member of the Stand

      for Youth™ team with matters close

      to heart and opportunities for im-  

      provement without fear of isolation or



10) Resolve Issues: make it known

      when an issue arises, file a

      complaint when necessary,

      and have those complaints

      reviewed and addressed in a

      timely, meaningful, confidential

      and respectful manner.


11) Make suggestions:  To assist

      Stand for Youth™ staff in contin-

      uously improving programs.


12) Feel Welcomed:  into our well-

      ness community, knowing every

      attempt will be made to create an

      environment where you can

      excel and thrive.



Stand for Youthâ„¢ works closely with federal, state and local agencies, businesses and other non-profit organizations to ensure that the most fundamental needs of youth served are met, incorporating trauma informed practices.  We define those needs as: food, housing, legal representation, medical care, transportation, and obtaining mentors and sponsors that model the types of behavior we want youth served to exemplify .




Studies have shown that students who receive proper nourishment do better than those that don't.  Many students living below poverty level and/or who are homeless don't eat regularly and when they do, aren't usually provided with healthy and nourishing meals.


We advocate on behalf of youth served with the Department of Social Services, food pantries and shelters to obtain vouchers for youth served so they can receive the nourishment they desperately need.  Eating healthy and nutritous meals empowers youth to be more focused at school, in their communities, at home and at work.




The amount of homeless and runaway youth in our country is growing.  Human and social service organizations are bombarded with requests for housing.  High schools now have a growing homeless population.


The need for housing for homeless youth is significantly higher than supply.  We work diligently to establish relationships with human and social services agencies, local shelters and affordable housing providers, so should one of our youth become homeless, we can identify somewhere for them to stay temporarily until permanent housing becomes available.  This minimizes disruptions to their education caused by them not having a palce to reside.


Stand for Youth™ advocates on behalf of youth who do not have medical insurace.  We schedule appointments with local and state agencies to ensure that students have the necessary coverage for annual visits to physcians, eye doctors and dentists, and emergency hospital visits when needed. We also hold workshops for their parents.


Our Partners include the Department of Social Services, the Department of Health & Mental Hygiene, and Housing for the Homeless.

Medical Care




Stand for Youthâ„¢ advocates for good role models for our youth.  Having someone they can talk to about pressing matters that also models the type of behavior we want our young people to have, is a key ingredient to their independence and success.


Youth Mentors and Sponsors provide advice on a broad range of topics, and provide guidance and opportunities to assist youth engaged in understanding that they are both valuable  and needed.

Legal Representation


Unfortunately, many of our young people are getting caught up in the legal system.  Some of them have no representation and simply can not afford the costs of hiring an attorney.
We are thankful for organizations like Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), where everyday citizens can attend training, so they can stand for youth whose parents are simply unable to be there for them.  Additionally, many law firms do pro bono work.



Stand for Youth™ advocates for youth to be transported to human and social service agencies, eye, dental, and doctor appointments,  job interviews, college tours/interviews, etc. when the youth served does not have any transportation to do so on their own.  We work with social security, disability services and school systems to ensure that transportation vouchers and  mobile access is obtained. 


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